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When should I do an antenatal class?

At Bump to Cradle, we recommend starting your antenatal course between 28 and 32 weeks of pregnancy.

At the latter end of your pregnancy, you are in a good position to think more practically about the birth of your baby - to learn birthing positions, breathing control, intervention and pain relief options and, of course, to really start getting skilled-up to deal with your newborn practically.

This is most definitely the moment to understand how and when to feed your baby, get it to sleep soundly, wear your baby in a sling, change its nappy, soothe and comfort it.

A good private antenatal course provider should ensure that all the parents in your class are due around the same time, so that you have the best possible support network available to you as you begin your journey into new parenthood. It is far better to have a group of fellow new parents who are experiencing the joys and challenges of new parenthood at almost exactly the same time as you, in order for you to have the shared experiences which will help to cement your fab new friendships.

Check the advice from your chosen antenatal course provider to ensure that they can best meet your needs or take a look at the Bump to Cradle course offering here.