
Becoming a mum for the first time is no mean feat. And considering it’s ‘a natural process’ - really a simple matter of biology - sometimes the transition to motherhood can feel anything but natural or instinctive for a first time mum.

This is not new news. Apart from anything, mums themselves have been talking about this amongst themselves for a long time. And new parent chatrooms were one of the first things to spring up online - proving our point that there has long been a desire for parents, and particularly mothers, to share there experiences with each other and help and support their peers through a time of obvious hardships, anxieties and new and foreign experiences.

So we know we’re not announcing anything new here. It’s just that sometimes in the loud and extremely serious conversations about post natal depression and post traumatic stress that are increasingly (and rightly) surrounding the topics of birth and new motherhood, the smaller, not less significant but perhaps less outrage-worthy topic of The Average Mother’s Transition to Motherhood, and the struggles with identity, purpose, relationship and life changes that it brings about, can be a little overlooked.

That is why at Bump to Cradle antenatal classes, we are so keen to raise the subject of matrescence - the period of transition from woman to mother, which is by no means a straight forward one. Not that we are not interested in recognising the importance of spotting symptoms of PND and PTSD in our fellow parents and partners, but because whilst these things are issues that affect some new mothers, matrescence is something that affects all new mothers. And whilst nothing can really fully prepare you for the impact that these tiny people will have on your life, we can at least get the conversation started amongst you and your fellow classmates - your new local parenting tribe, so that you can help to support each other.

Read more about this idea and the importance of understanding the emotional and psychological impact of new motherhood at

Follow us on Instagram @bumptocradle to see and hear more about this idea from us and the accounts we follow who are keeping the conversation going…

Dr Miriam Walsh