Building a new support network at Bump to Cradle
There's nothing like old friends and we all know we wouldn't be where we are today if it wasn't for those that have been there along the way. That being said, having a baby is a tremendously disruptive time. It's exhilarating, scary, uplifting, anxiety-fuelled and challenging. It may be that one of your old friends is going though the same stuff at the same time and that's great, but for most of us, it won't coincide and we may end up feeling alienated from our old friends or simply unable to talk about the things that are bothering, or elating, us.
When you join an antenatal class like Bump to Cradle, you will meet mums and dads to be who are also about to embark on this incredible journey. Discussing ideas and worries with those in the same situation can be extremely uplifting and means you avoid the critical judgement of a friend yet to take the journey, but also the patronising advice of those who have already done it and seem to know all the answers! There's nothing better than sharing your tales of sleepless nights or pregnancy woes than with someone also doing it for the first time.
When you have a newborn baby, everything else you have or had responsibility for seems to go out of the window, making it hard to stick to certain commitments such as big nights out, party planning or afternoons with the girls or lads. Also, the good thing about meeting people who are in the same boat as you, is that it's a clean slate and the friendship will be based on an equal understanding of why you can't reply to texts or have to cancel at the last minute!
Over the Bump to Cradle course, you will get to know some like minded Mums and Dads to be who may just be invaluable during these early few months. As importantly, when you book on, you will gain access to a wide range of local pregnancy and postnatal specialists who can help you feel as prepared and supported as possible for this key time in life.
For more information and to book contact Miriam at or see