Tips from our Night Nanny

At Bump to Cradle, we’re pretty unique. We have a team of 10 specialists on hand to give you up to date information and help you feel as supported as possible. We feel that the postnatal period is often neglected in antenatal teaching – women and their partners might learn a lot about labour but what on earth do you do when you get home and your new baby is screaming? Or just won’t go to sleep?


Luckily, we have Camilla, who is an incredibly experienced Night Nanny. Here, she gives us a sneak peek of some really good practical advice she will expand on during her session at Bump To Cradle Antenatal Classes. For more information about classes and to book on, go to


Here are some of her top tips:


o   Don't go crazy on equipment and keep your receipts. Get the basics but
you will find lots of things will go unused.

o   Do stock up on meals in the freezer for those first couple of weeks, or if you don't usually have ready meals at home then start to work out which ones you do and don't like!

o   Get blackout blinds or curtains fitted in the bedrooms, especially if you're having a summer baby.

o   Avoid overtiredness in your newborn by ensuring your baby is given the opportunity to rest after any awake period of more than 90 minutes to two hours.

o   Remember you are a team! Dads - don’t ask, just do! Don’t feel that you are being pushed out, the reality is that mums naturally need to take care of the baby’s needs, so therefore your job is to take care of your partner’s needs. Be at home as much as possible with your new family, allowing mum to have time for a coffee with a friend, a bath and importantly sleep.


Interested in hearing more? Remember to book on now at



Dr Miriam Walsh